Monday, June 30, 2008

I am tagged again! and i want to thank sis Avee for tagging me. I really appreciate it!

1. Copy and paste everything to a new post and Add your name next to your profession (or profession-to-be for undergrads) in the list. Make sure your name is linked to your blog/webbie

2. If your profession is not in the list then simply add it to the correct alphabetical place. For example, if you want to add PLUMBER then it should be placed in between ONCOLOGIST and QUEEN

3. Tag as many people as you can and witness how your technorati will explode!

4. Don’t forget to link back. In your case, link back to


Admin. Officer - Jhona, Avee
Blogger - Mary, Vannie
Business - Vanniedosa

Doctor -

Nurse - Mckhoii,Aggietha
Teacher - Katelove's

Stay-At-Home-Mom - Mai, Aggie, Vanessa

And Now i'm tagging all my friends here. Please kindly do this tag if you have time. Thanks!